Business Principles
- Our customers interest always comes first. From their satisfaction comes our success.
- Our people, capital and reputation are our main assets. If any of these is diminished, the last one is the most difficult to restore. We are fully dedicated to the letter and spirit of the specifications of the contracts we sign, to the rules and ethical principles that govern business. We know our continued success depends on this dedication.
- We are proud of the quality of our works. We are totally committed to achieve excellence in all our projects. If a choice is to be made between quantity and quality, we shall attempt to be the best rather than the biggest.
- We seek creativity and innovation in our activities, always seeking better answers to project requirements. We have successfully innovated in the industry and believe that our continued success depends on our ability to continue doing so.
- We make a special effort to employ the best person for every job because the best people make the best companies.
- Teamwork comes first in all we do. Individual creativity is encouraged, but we have experienced that teamwork gives the best result.
- Our people are dedicated to the company and strive for its success more than people in most other organizations. This commitment is a fundamental reason for our success.
- Our profits are essential to our future: they expand our capital, increase our resources, attract and keep our best people. Our policy is to share with those who have helped create the profits, because this is a key to our future achievements.
- We want and can be as big as required for any project, but we always want to preserve the contact, the team spirit and the loyalty that prevail between our customers and us.
- Integrity and honesty are at the heart of our business. We expect our people to maintain high ethical standards in everything they do, in their work and in their personal lives.